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and Guitar



This was based on a (love) letter.


You ask me what i want and how i feel
but it is n't easy to explain with mere words
When i see your face i want to kiss your mouth,
when i hear you speak, in my mind, your voice
stands out of silence
and when i watch you move i want to pull you in
and hold you tight
You say you wish you could afford to give me things,
but you give me yourself and your secrets, which
i value beyond money or possessions
You've given me life, breathing in to my mind and body
and now the time before we met, well i just,
i just don't remember
You've given songs and pictures feeling where there
was only thought or emptiness before
and the things i see with you have more meaning and
resonate in my memory
Nothing else matters now i have you, my world could crumble,
but with you, i could smile
and i hope you know that whatever happens, you'll have me
Making love is fun and i love the feel of you,
your smell and the taste of your honey
When we sleep together i hold you close and we curl up
together, like twins in a mother's womb,
then when morning comes waking up with you in my arms
is the nicest thing i know
I want to be with you for a long long time, watch your hair
turn grey and the lines on your face grow,
as the years pass by we'll still kiss and hold each other tight
Then one day when its time for me to slip away, the last thing i see
will be you when we were young, lying with your head over me,
your hair falling over my eyes and your beautiful shadowy
face lit from behind
You ask me how i feel, i can only say, with my heart in my mouth
and a tear in my eye, with a hidden world of feeling,
i love you


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